The Brave son Of Mewar - Maharana Pratap

Today I am going to to write an article about a brave warrior, great son and pride of  India : Maharana Pratap.

In Indian history Rajputs has set a proud place by their heroism. Today the whole of India respects them because they sacrificed their whole life for the country, caste religion and freedom. One of the bravest of all the heroes was the one who made his whole life a struggle for the independence of India, and that was Maharana Pratap from Mewar, Rajsthan. He was born in 9th May 1540 in Kumbhalgarh, Rajasthan, Son of Maharana Udai Singh II & Rani Jaiwanta Bai. Maharana Pratap was the eldest of twenty-five sons and hence given the title of Crown Prince. Everyone used to call Maharana Pratap by the name 'Kika' in his childhood. He had 11 wives, Maharani Ajabde Punwar was his favorite. He had 17 sons and 5 daughters. 

Maharana Pratap's coronation took place in Gogunda after death of his father in 1572. However, Rani Dhir Bai wanted her son Jagmal Singh to become the successor  of the entire Mewar but the Rajput chieftain preferred the Crown Prince of Mewar in 1 March 1576 as eldest son of Udai Singh II. Thus Prince Pratap ascended the throne as Maharana Pratap, the 54th ruler of Mewar in the line of Sisodia Rajputs. He was a mighty warrior of Indian history. His favorite horse was named Chetak, which was considered one of the best horses in the world. He used to fight for the whole day by carrying total weight of 360 kg. Which had 72 kg weight of armor, 80 kg of spear, 280 kg of shield and 2 swords.

When Pratap Singh was only 27, Chittor was surrounded by the Mughal forces of Emperor Akbar and the Rajputana kingdom was passing through a very delicate phase. Many Rajput kings had bowed their heads in front of the cruelty of Emperor Jalauddin Akbar, while many other kings extended the hand of friendship by establishing matrimonial relations with the Mughal dynasty. There were only a few Rajputs including Mahharana Pratap who never accepted the subordination of the Mughals to protect their self-respect and the dignity of their ancestors. Akbar wanted his power to run in the whole of India and he had also ruled over half of India. He attacked many time on Mewar becaise he want because he wanted to bow down to Maharana Pratap like other kings. But Maharana Pratap never accepted Akbar's submission also denied all the diplomatic missions sent to him by Akbar for a peaceful alliance. Maharana Pratap fought with Akbar's army for many years to save the land of Mewar from the terror of the Mughals. When Mughal emperor Akbar failed in all his efforts with his huge Mughal army, a many diplomacy and innovative methods of war then he sent Maan Singh to force Dongarpur and Udaipur to accept subjugatio & he got success. After that Badshah Akbar sent Maan Singh to warned Maharana Pratap Singh for surrender himself but Maharana Pratap Singh ignored Maan Singh's Message  and decided to fight with Akbar.

When Akabr came to know about this, then he sent his huge Mughal army under the leadership of Maan Singh and Asaf Khan to attack on Mewar. A terrible war started between the huge Mughal army and the Mewari army in the field of Haldi Ghati On 30 May 1576, Wednesday Morning. There were also Mughal, Rajput and Pathan army in the vast Mughal army, which was led by Mahavat Khan, Asaf Khan, Prince Salim ( Son of Badshah Jalaluddin Akbar ) along with Raja Man Singh. In that war, Maharana Pratap showed his amazing might and killed hundreds of Mughal soldiers. But when Pratap Pratap Singh got into trouble, he somehow got away by dodging the enemies. 

After some time, Maharana Pratap took 20000 soldiers with him and defeated the 80,000 soldiers of the Mughals, who were led by Salim ( Jahangeer ).  After this defeat, Salim became very depressed and after some time he again went out to fight with a new strategy. This time Salim fought with great valor with Maharana Pratap & Rajputs were defeated in front of a huge army of enemies and only 8000 alive in 22000 Rajput soldiers. Salim injured Pratap Singh's Horse ( Chetak ) which is known for his loyalty to his master. Chetak saved his king's life many times with his wisdom But this time he lost his life while jumping across a 21-feet wide river to save his master’s life.

After the War of Haldi Ghati Maharana Pratap left Chittor and started living his life in the mountains and forests by eating roti of grass and drinking water from the pond. Maharana Pratap vowed that he would neither live in palaces nor enjoy any kind of royal pleasure until he liberated Mewar. Maharana Pratap's military force weakened due to repeated attacks by the Mughals. After some time, a great king of Mewar, Bhama Shah gave all his property to Maharana, due to which Maharana again started collecting his army and again got his authority over the Kumbhalgar. After that the Mughal emperor Akbar sent a huge army led by Shahbaz to attack Mewar, who captured Kumbhalgar and Kelwara and looted Udaipur and Gogunda.In such a situation, while continuing the war with Maharana, he kept himself safe by migrating to the hilly areas recaptured Chawand. Except Chittor, Maharana again saved all his forts from the enemies and re-established his kingdom over whole the Mewar and made Udaypur his Capital. After this the Mughals attacked Mewar many times but they were unsuccessful.

Finally, in January 1597, Maharana Pratap Singh , the greatest hero of Mewar, was seriously injured in a hunting accident. He left his body at Chavand, aged 56, on January 29, 1597. He died fighting for his nation, for his people, and most importantly for his honor.
Finally, in January 1597, Maharana Pratap Singh , the greatest hero of Mewar, was seriously injured in a hunting accident. He left his body at Chavand, aged 56, on January 29, 1597. He died fighting for his nation, for his people, and most importantly for his honor.

Thanks You for Reading !!

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  1. Awesome 👌👌👌 Really I like it ❤️❤️❤️.. Awesome history of Maharana Pratap.


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