A Great Woman - Rani Padmavati & Her History

If we talk about our history, then there are many such characters who have immortalized their name forever by their great sacrifice. One of those all great warriors was the hero about whom I am going to write in this article today. - Rani Padmavati 

Rani Padmavati also known as ' Padmini ' the most legendary Queen of  Mewar Kingdom ( Rajasthan, India ). She was an exceptionally beautiful princess of Singhala Kingdom ( Shree Lanka ) in 13th-14th century. She renowned across Indian land for her bewitching beauty. Not only this, she was  versed in the art of warfare & brave warrior as well.

Rani Padmavati was the daughter of King Gandharva Sen & Queen Champavati of Singhala Kingdom. According to Jayasi Text, Padmavati had a pet - A Talking Parrot with named Hiramani as her closest friend. She was very obsessed with her Parrot, that's why her father  dislike that bird. One day King ordered to Parrot to fly away from his Palace otherwise he will kill that Bird. After that bird leave the palace and accidentally reached at Chittor & met the local King Rawal Ratan Singh. The Parrot incessantly described about Padmavati's heavenly beauty, which enamored the king who decide to embark on a quest to marry the Princess. & he started his journey to for searching Padmavati and reached at Singhal Kingdom.

At the time of her marriage, a swayamber was organized, where many kings and princes came to marry her. However it was not just a simple swayamber. Padmawati has had a condition that whoever win over her designed fighter in the fencing he could marry her. Surprisingly Ratan Singh's sword fighting compelled Padmavati to marry him. And he brought her to his palace - Chittor. Ratan Singh has already a wife (Nagmati) in Chittor who started to jalousie with Padmini 

Also Read history of Ratan Singh

Meanwhile a Brahmin named with Raghav Chetan who was a amazing painter and musician in Ratan Singh' court was banished from the kingdom for the fraud. He caught red-handed by Ratan Singh while he obsessed with black magic which required animal and child sacrifice like practices. Raghav Chetan left Chittor and went to Delhi. He started to make plan for revenge. Few years later and after many tries he able to reach in Alauddin Khilji court and gain his trust. Who was very cruel, merciless, ugly and hungry of lust Sultan of Delhi. Raghav Chetan described in details  about Chittor and Rani Padmavati's beauty. Thus invoking the Sultan's curiosity about Padamavati. As soon as the Sultan came to know about the immense beauty queen of Chittor, he planned to acquire her, and desperately wanted to see her after listing such a great details by Raghav Chetan.

After that Alauddin went out to attack  Chittor. He surrounded  Chittor's Fort with his great armed force. And sent his words to Ratan Singh that he would be return to Delhi once he catch a glimpse of his queen Padmavati. Ratan Singh got into dilemma after hearing this news. He  was not able to decide what to do or what not to do ? Because a Rajput custom does not allow to meet lady with a Strangers. To avoid loss of lives and in order to maintain the Ratan Singh decided to accept Sultan's condition and requested to his queen to meet him. Rani Padmavati agree but she has made a condition that she will not came directly in front of Alauddin but she will show her  reflection in the mirror. Ratan Singh invited Sultan to his palace for the feast and showed reflection of his queen in the mirror  and he was back to his camp.

With just one reflation  Alauddin got obsessed with Rani Padamavati and started to plan to  acquired her and decided we would not leave without Padmawati. With this motive he invite Ratan Singh to his camp for his welcoming. Ratan Singh went to Sulatn's camp without any weapon/solder. Alauddin got an opportunity and took captivated  Ratan Singh. Then he sent a message to palace that if they want to see their King alive then they have to hand over their queen to Khilji. After hearing this news, while Rawal Ratan Singh’s nephews ( Gora - Badal ) made a plan & sent a message to Sulatan that Rani Padmavati ready to surrender herself but she will come with her 800 maids.  

Next morning they marched toward Delhi with 800 soldiers who were in the disguise of tens inside the palanquin. After reaching Delhi they fought fiercely with the Sultan's solders and succeeded in freeing their King. However, many soldiers   including Gora Singh died while fighting. King Ratan Singh reached Chittor safely.

When Alauddin Khilji came to know about this incident, he became mad with anger and left to attack Chittor with his huge army. Khilji's army began to demolish the walls of the fort of Chittor with their great weapons. Ratan Singh also went out to fight with his army and and they fought with great courage. Meanwhile, one by one the Rajputs started getting killed, King Ratan Singh also died in the war. 

On the other hand, As soon as Rani Padmavati got to know this news and Rani Padmavati along with all other queen and wives of brave soldiers decided to commit Jauhar for their self-immolation. Yes, they all ladies decided to commit Jauhar to avoid rape and imprisonment by enemy forces. A huge pyre was lit in the Jauhar Kund and all ladies, queens dressed up as bride and  walked down to a secret passage linked from Chittor fort into the Jauhar Kund with singing heroic saga for their great husbands. and prepared themselves to endure the pain as the flames engulfed their bodies. First Padmavati jumped into the Jauhar Kund after that all ladies followed her and whole palace reverberated with their cries.

After end of the war, when Alauddin and his solders came in the fort to dominate the Padmavati and all ladies then they did not found anything except that some dead bodies and their burning ashes. The heat and sound was coming out from the Jauhar Kund were so fierce and painful for Alauddin. and that Khilji ordered the tunnel's passage to be closed permanently and never to be opened. Despite winning the war, Sultan Alauddin Khilji did not succeed in getting what he had fought for. Despite winning the war, the Sultan did not get what he fought for and thus the Sultan's victory became his biggest defeat.

The great woman Padmavati has set a big example for all of us that no-one can win us until we give up on ourselves. The women of the palace who committed the Jauhar are gone, but their memories are kept alive today by the songs and stories that immortalized the story of their sacrifice. 


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