Cleopatra Famous Queen of Egypt

Egypt is such a country whose mysterious stories we have been listening to since childhood, which has kept many secrets of history hidden inside itself. Many rulers also ruled in this country, but among all those rulers there was such a mysterious ruler, which is still discussed in the whole world,  and that was  Queen Cleopatra VII Philopator

Cleopatra VII Philopator  (Born 70/69 BCE - Died August 30 BCE, Alexandria) was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. She is one of the best-known women in history, famed for her strength, sharp intellect, immense beauty, and her 2 love affairs with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. She was part of a dynasty of rulers of Macedon founded by Ptolemy, who served in general under Alexander the Great during the conquest of Egypt in 332 BC. She was the daughter of Ptolemy XII (Auletes) and mother Cleopatra VI. It is believed that Cleopatra's mother is the step-step of her father who had married each other. After the death of his mother, at the age of 14, he learned the experience of training and managing the empire under his father's leadership for 4 years. 

In 51 BC, Cleopatra's father [ Ptolemy XII (Auletes) ) ] died and the Egyptian throne passed to 18-year-old Cleopatra and her brother (Ptolemy XIII)  was 10 years old. After some time they both married each other. Marriage of siblings with each other was a very common practice in the Ptolemy dynasty. For some time they both were happy with each other but later a quarrel started between them due to which enmity started between them. Cleopatra wanted to rule over the entire empire and hence she conspired to kill her husband. When Ptolemy XIII knew about this, he and his adviser started to act against Cleopatra and decided to kill her. To save her life, she left Egypt & run toward Syria but she didn't give up hope for getting power back on Egypt. During that time, the king (Julius Caesar) of the world's most powerful state (Rome) reached Egypt while searching for his enemy. Cleopatra knew about this and met with Julius Caesar. She had a physical relationship with Julius and demanded to receive the Egyptian throne in return. Julius was crazy about Cleopatra's beauty, due to which he accepted Cleopatra's condition. After that Julius Attach on  Egypt, Ptolemy XIII died in the 47 BC Battle of the Nile. And Cleopatra became the queen of Egypt.

Cleopatra now became the Queen of Egypt and she married her brother another Ptolemy XIV.  Despite being married, the immoral relationship of Cleopatra and Julius continued, due to which the people of Egypt were not particularly happy. In 23 June 47 BC, She gave birth to a son, he was believed to be Caesar’s child, and was known by the Egyptian people as Caesarion, or Little Caesar. After spending some time with Cleopatra and his Son, Julius had to return to Rome on an urgent mission. Seeing the opportunity, Cleopatra's husband planned to kill her, Cleopatra was a very clever woman, she came to know about her husband's intentions and killed him very cleverly. After that Cleopatra became an independent ruler of whole Egypt. 

On 15 March 44 BC Caesar died by the people of Rome & Marc Antony (The Second strong supporter who was also his general)  becomes Rome's successor. Octavian's ( Caesar adopted son ) sister Octavia Minor was the wife of Marc Antoni. Cleopatra felt herself in danger so she left Egypt and started to live in a palace of her own on the other side of the river Tiber from Caesar’s household. Cleopatra would do anything for her power. After gaining independent power over Egypt, she wanted to rule over the Romans as well and she wanted her son to be declared Caesar's heir. To rule Rome, In order to rule Rome, Cleopatra made a love affair with Mark by trapping him in her beauty. After that, both of them also supported each other in politics. They occupied many states together. 

In 32 BC they both got married and Cleopatra birth to 3 children of Mark Antony. Marc Antony rebelled with Octavian and Octavia to make Caesarion heir to Rome. As a result of which Octavian started a huge war with his entire army and defeated Antony on September 2, 31 BC.

Octavian’s forces soundly defeated those of Antony and Cleopatra in the Battle of Actium. Antony and Cleopatra fled to Egypt, and Cleopatra retired to her mausoleum as Antony went off to fight his last battle. Receiving the false news that Cleopatra had died, Antony fell on his sword. After getting this news unable to contemplate life as a prisoner of Rome and without the protection of her husband ( Mark Antony ), Cleopatra decided to kill herself by poisoning. Contrary to the popular belief that she was bitten by a Snake.


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